If you want to make a career in direction you will require basic knowledge of acting, directing, producing, script writing, cinematography, sound recording, visual mixing, editing etc. Director is the one who gives directions to everyone in the production, hence also has a good working knowledge of all the areas of filmmaking. The director has to start at the very bottom and work his way up beginning with raising capital for the film to its distribution, screening as well as all the stages of its crafting.
Feature film/ theatre directors
Role of director is pretty complex and demands high responsibility. Directors first select a script or play. They then hire assistant directors, principal cast members, and key production staff suitable for the script. Further they coordinate the work of writers, directors, managers, and other staff members. Next step is to select cast members for audition and conduct rehearsals which they get it done with the help of their assistants.
They direct the work of the cast and crew; use knowledge of acting, voice, and movement to make their actors perform the best. They work with the team of technical people, camera people and actors, performance and schedules. Their role also includes approving scenery, costumes, choreography, and music. Coordinate program elements, such as audio, camera, and special effects. Oversee and coordinate the editing and final form of the film. All this they have to manage with variety of people at various levels managing their moods.
Most film makers either start their career working in the production department of a production house or some in an advertising agency assisting the producer and director and practically working in all areas of film making. Minimum within 4-5 years or if someone is really smart in learning takes 2-3 years, to start as an assistant director in a film / serial and then independently becoming a director.
Many professional film makers start working on their own after 5-10 years, either setting up their own firms, soliciting clients looking for advertising or subject-based films, OR they work freelance meeting clients across areas and making films on a variety of subjects. Recognition comes through critical praise or through awards that establish the reputation of the film maker.